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The Power of Agreement

To agree means to be of the same mind or to come to a mutual understanding.

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Long before they started dating, Roosevelt and Renita Quick developed an appreciation for one another’s gifts and talents. Throughout their marriage, the Quicks have discovered they are much more effective when they focus on working together in unity. Despite differences in their gifts, abilities, roles, and approach, they recognized the need for agreement to experience better outcomes. When agreement is present between two parties, there is greater capacity to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. The Quicks stated, “We realized the power that comes when we intentionally choose to pursue agreement.”


In The Power of Agreement, the Quicks use scriptural references, various biblical examples and their personal life experiences to describe how working in agreement produces powerful results. This book teaches three guiding principles as the foundation of agreement: Agreement with God, Agreement within Ourselves, Agreement with One Another.

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