Couples can experience several challenges that lead to dissatisfaction and a lack of marital fulfillment. Unmet expectations, ineffective communication, financial issues, and personality differences can lead to times of conflict, disagreement, and misunderstanding.
We help couples reconnect and rediscover what they love and appreciate about one another. Through this process, they learn to value and celebrate their differences as they learn to communicate for understanding and positive resolution.
When I found him who my soul loves: I held him, and would not let him go…
– Song of Solomon 3:4
For more than 25 years, Roosevelt and Renita Quick have coached, mentored, and taught married and pre-married couples using practical skills-based education and biblical principles. Their dedication to family enrichment has allowed them to serve 1,000s of couples, singles (men and women), teens, and children through their teaching and outreach ministries.
We are dedicated to enriching relationships through biblical principles.

We're Here to Support You

Couples Coaching
Whether you are a couple who is pre-married, newlyweds, desiring to enhance your marriage, or experiencing marital challenges, Couple-to-Couple coaching is for you.

Women's Coaching
Women's Life Coaching involves helping women to identify their God-given gifts, talents, and strengths while overcoming their fears as they intentionally pursue God's plan and purpose for their lives.

Check out our Enduring Love Ministries MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT PLAYLIST
Roosevelt and Renita are absolutely WONDERFUL! They are definitely anointedand appointed by God to help couples thrive in their relationships. They pour so much into you and actually give you practical things that you will be able to implement immediately when dealing with any issues with your spouse.When I was four months pregnant, my husband and I had an opportunity to attend theQuicks“Power of Agreement” three-day masterclass and then wereblessed to receivecouple-to-coupleconsultation afterwards.
Jordan & Quentina,
Our favorite session was “How to Handle Conflict”. We struggle in that area because we are both passionate about our beliefs and being heard. The Quicks guided us through this session and offered helpful alternatives to the way we usually communicate which continues to help us improve our communication daily. We also really appreciated the fact that they were more than willing to adapt to our hectic schedules. They prayed with and for us and ministered to us individually and as a couple. Mentoring like that is priceless!
Marva and Rico,
Coaching Clients
It is with great honor that we endorse Roosevelt and Renita Quick. It was a pleasant accident that we joined a marriage class they were leading and teaching. We have been married for 36 years and are both children of divorce. We are Christian parents of two great grown sons and we found ourselves dealing with the stress of health issues and the challenges of an empty nest.
Pauletta and Wayne,
Marriage Class Attendees